About Sunday's Company
Welcome to Sundays Company - a plant-based apothecary nestled in the hills of Northumberland County, Ontario.
Sunday’s Company is rooted in the idea of slow living… slow beauty. Botanical-based body care is created using the whole plant. This is vastly different, more potent, and more sustainable than relying on essential oils, extractions, bio-identical or derivatives of a plant to do the work. As much as possible, the plants used in my products are harvested from my gardens and land, and ethically gathered from the bountiful forests, meadows and properties in my community.
Every aspect of these products are lovingly and intentionally handmade: grow, harvest, process, infuse, bottle, label.
My hope is that these products take you on a sensory journey of texture, aroma and energy. That you feel how they become more than just an oil that you lay on your body, or a mask that you paint on your face. Thank you for trusting me in your self care practice. Thank you for being here.
Melissa Condotta

A Business Led by Values & Intuition
My curiosity lies mostly in the natural world, and leading a truly authentic and simple life. I am lead by intuition and passion, and my work reflects this. Every product released, and every aspect of Sunday's Company is birthed by that intuition; by imagination; by the plant world, and by my connection with the end user.
I am aware of the privilege we hold to be able to say that "beauty" products are a means of self care. I am also aware that these products do not define self care. However; if they allow you to feel good, and if they become part of a ritual that you create for yourself, then yes, this is a form of self care. There is no shame in treating yourself to the things that fill your cup.